Depuis hier un certain nombre de villes du Donbass sont aux mains des Fédéralistes, qui demandent simplement à la junte au pouvoir à Kiev leur droit à l'autodétermination. Après Donetsk et Lugansk où beaucoup de policiers et de Berkut ont rallié le mouvement, Slavyansk avec l'appui de son maire et des habitants s'est insurgée,
suivis par Kramatorsk,Druzhkivka,Yenakijeve, et Mariupol, la mégapole de la mer d'Azov (400 000 hab). Manifestations un peu partout, Dniepropetrovsk, Zaporojié, où les Fédéralistes sont encerclés, Kharkov où la mairie est aux mains des partisans du référendum. Les milices formées sont l'œuvre de vétérans, de policiers et de Berkut, traités comme des chiens par Kiev, il n'y pas d'hommes verts très polis venus de Russie. L'officier ukrainien tué l'a été par des civils venus dans une voiture immatriculée à Vinnitsa vraisemblablement par des membres de Pravy Sektor. Les forces spéciales ukrainiennes ont quitté l'aéroport de Slavyansk, visiblement dépassés par la situation. Il reste à souhaiter que la situation ne dégénère pas complètement ouvrant la voie à une vraie guerre civile. On mesure l'aventurisme de l'UE et la méconnaissance de l'Histoire de la part des bureaucrates bruxellois.
Odessa aujourd'hui |
Odessa, policiers avec le ruban de saint Georges |
Slavyansk : groupes de défense
Dernières nouvelles de Slavyansk:
At the moment the situation is stress- stable . The city is completely
controlled by the Army of the Southeast , self-defense units and
civilians city (more than 1,000 women ), which solve the problem of
providing a human shield.
Entrances to the city closed, the streets continue to build barricades
and debris . The same thing happens on the bridges in the city.
To help Slavyansk buses left from Donetsk, Kramatorsk , as well as large groups of armed men from the SBU Lugansk .
About 7 BTRs showed in the morning at the entrance to the village
Semenivka next to Slavyansk, they split - 3 APCs remained in the village
, and 4 and 1 military "Ural" take a detour to search for other
entrance to the city. Column to the city was accompanied by police
cars, who later turned around and left. Currently 3 APCs have blocked in
Semyonovka unknown militants ask unblock them so that they could
withdraw from the city and the promise that no more will shoot
residents( people on the APCs in the morning was already wounded one
fisherman who was mistaken for self-defense of Slayansk)
2 Mi-24 and 1 Mi-8 - solve problems of cover for storming from the air, as well as air recon.
2 checkpoints was really shooting - 3 people injured on our side , from
the fascists approximately 1-3 injured - during a shootout at a
roadblock in Cherepkovke ( tried to go into the city then, whether
"Alpha" , or " Jaguar " ) - both self-defense and SBU specnaz Alfa were
shooting to kill.
Small groups of "right sector " scattered in the forests around the city
, some people in black uniforms on and do not speak Russian .
In fact , the junta is trying to deploy special forces and the fascist
troops to take the city , but without direct combat and great
sacrifices can not do this , then they poked it at one point or the
other , as it should be to develop operations "on wheels" . In the city
center until everything is in order .
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